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Cooma car club

Heritage Motoring Regulations - advice from Transport for NSW

  • 12 Aug 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Cooma Car Club


Registration is closed

Morning members

Reminding you of this important meeting where  Matthew Cafe,  Manager Partnerships TfNSW, will advise us on current status of heritage motoring regulations and answer your questions about the rules governing our use of heritage vehicles.

Having Matthew attend this session is a real plus for us, usually it just doesn’t happen that we can have access to the person who liaises between the Approved Organisations and the Department’s hierarchy. Some representatives from other heritage motoring clubs will be there. 

The session will conclude by 12 and lunch will be provided if you would like to stay for lunch, the $10 charge for lunch is being subsidised by the Council of Heritage motoring Clubs.

Please let me know of your attendance by a “yes” email. 

Greg Riddell

Club Secretary

Cooma Car Club

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