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Cooma car club


Every two years, the Cooma Car Club hosts the regions' largest festival of motoring - MOTORFEST.

Over 400 cars, trucks and motorbikes are displayed.

Together with corporate displays and entertainment, the event takes on a carnival atmosphere where the public can admire the contribution to motoring history that members of the Cooma Car Club have collected, restored and maintain.

The event attracts over 4,000 visitors!

MOTORFEST is on again in 2026 

The first Saturday of November, 2026 from 9:00am. 

Great trophies for all classes of entry:

$40 to enter each Category.

Your entry into Motorfest allows for a single vehicle/single category. If you want to enter in multiple classes, its $40 per category/class.

CARS: Street Machines – Hot Rods – Vintage & Classic Cars – Muscle Cars – Utes - Modified - Military Vehicles, Original Classics and, EV's.

MOTOR BIKES: Vintage, Classic and modern.

STRATIONARY ENGINES: Always a crowd favourite.

TRUCKS: An all-time "Motorfest" favourite is the massive display of stunning trucks - classics and modern heavy haulage rigs.

TRADE DISPLAYS: Contact the Cooma Car Club and reserve your space now. Be at the forefront of up to 4,000- motoring enthusiasts.


Motorfest 2026 - ENTRY NOT YET OPEN

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