Every two years, the Cooma Car Club hosts the regions' largest festival of motoring - MOTORFEST. Over
400 cars, trucks and motorbikes are displayed. The event attracts over 4,000 visitors! |
MOTORFEST is on again in 2026
The first Saturday of November, 2026 from 9:00am.
Great trophies for all classes of entry:
$40 to enter each Category.
Your entry into Motorfest allows for a single vehicle/single category. If you want to enter in multiple classes, its $40 per category/class.
CARS: Street Machines – Hot Rods – Vintage & Classic Cars – Muscle Cars – Utes - Modified - Military Vehicles, Original Classics and, EV's.
MOTOR BIKES: Vintage, Classic and modern.
STRATIONARY ENGINES: Always a crowd favourite.
TRUCKS: An all-time "Motorfest" favourite is the massive display of stunning trucks - classics and modern heavy haulage rigs.
TRADE DISPLAYS: Contact the Cooma Car Club and reserve your space now. Be at the forefront of up to 4,000- motoring enthusiasts.
Motorfest 2026 - ENTRY NOT YET OPEN